Wednesday, November 15, 2006

EclipseCon 2007

EclipseCon 2007 is scheduled for March of this year.  The planning for the presentations is well under way.  I have been involved in the planning process and have been completely over-whelmed by the quantity and quality of the material that has been suggested for the conference.  At this point, the only categories that are formalized are the tutorial tracks.   

Tutorials will be offered on the first day of the conference.  They are divided into two categories, short tutorials are a two hour in-depth look at a particular subject.  The long tutorials are full day presentations with a 'hands-on' component.  For those of you who do not like conferences because they do not go into enough details, you should consider the EclipseCon tutorials.  Looking at the submissions, we have had:

- 18 long tutorial proposals for 7 slots 
- 63 short tutorial presentations for 39 slots

In terms of BIRT and the reporting project, there are five tutorial presentations that may be of interest:

The BIRT Long Tutorial is a full day demo/lab on how to work with the BIRT report development environment. 

Building Reports with BIRT 


The short tutorials include are all focused on in-depth BIRT topics to either extend or integrate BIRT into web or stand-alone applicatons.

Eclipse Chart Engine API and Integration  

Report Integration - The BIRT API's 

Extending BIRT 

Open Data Access - Extension framework for adding Custom Data Sources


Get Involved - Short and Long Talks

The EclipseCon committee will now be turning our attention on the content for the Long Talks (one hour) and Short Talks (10 minutes).  The BIRT team has been given 5 long talk slots and 6 short talk slots.  I would love to see talk proposals from our user community for both the long and short talks.  If you are using BIRT and would like to share your experience, please submit a talk HERE.



Anonymous said...

Hi scott
im luiz from brazil and id like i think you could help me
im working in a oracle pl/sql project and
in some of these menus of the system i need to send to report informations about 2 fields (example: name(list of values - lov and birth date-list of values too)
in the first time the report bring the data but in the second time dont update the informations of the fields
how i can proceed to generate reports with the users choice in the fields(name and birth date)? how i can create parameters for it? do you have a
article to send to me , please
hope for a answer as soon as you can
sorry for my english but i dont speak as well
tks so much

Jason Weathersby said...

Can you post a little more about how you are running it? Are you using the BIRT Example Viewer? If you are running it in the designer there is a cache option for the data set.
